
2023 Christian Book Award (CBA) Winner for

Holy Love: A Memoir of Sorrow to Glory-Second Edition

Congratulations ‘Holy Love: A Memoir of Sorrow to Glory’ by Jill Smith, a 2024 Gold Medal Christian Book Award Winner in the category of ‘Adult /
Please see attached the book cover with the Gold seal it was awarded for being a Gold Medal CBA winner! Jill E. Smith invites you to share her journey that began in childhood and impacted her well into adulthood. One of the best Christian autobiographies ever written. A must read book that you will not be able to put down once you pick it up! It written from the heart by the author, who shares details of her life growing with a very good father and a beautiful but flawed mother. In it she relates how her early childhood innocence was shattered by her mother’s need to involve her and her sister in her adult secret life, how it affected her growing up, and how she eventually overcame all that was done to her. If you have kids and you want them to grow up healthy and happy you need to read this book, because it contains valuable lessons every parent should know so you don’t make the same mistakes the author’s mother made. Every parent, school, church and library should
have a copy of this book for its members to read! You can purchase a copy of this awesome book at the link here –

Congratulations ‘Holy Love: A Memoir of Sorrow to Glory’ by Jill E. Smith, this is a well written book with a powerful message! God bless! CBA

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