Our souls are being tested in a pivotal way at this time in history.
Humanity is sustained by relationships. Friendships. Familial ties, work associations and the friendships that result. There are the simple interactions at the bank or gas station. Its endless. This is the landscape where we practice and learn grace and mercy.
It is the substance within which love can manifest.
I know I’m not alone when I find myself judging and/ or silently critical of others. I am talking about the mask vs unmask or vx vs unvx conversations. While I won’t spell it out here…you know where I stand on these issues.
As I’ve said often enough: “I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees”.
But with all that said, I am acutely aware that there is a war at play. In the theatre of this battle is the dark side’s intent to divide and thereby conquer.
Their goal?
To conquer the soul of not only America, but of all of humanity. Don’t doubt that. I’ll say it again…the goal of the dark side is to conquer the soul of all of humanity.
America stands in the crosshairs of this war. America will tip the balance. America’s destiny is to carry the banner of freedom and the glory of our one and only God.
Differing opinions and politics have always been a part of the landscape of our lives. Either we discuss these issues or not, depending on the strength of particular relationships or the mood of a particular gathering. But only occasionally would a personal relationship be thrown asunder by the diversity of thought or opinions.
Today however, it’s different. It is different because we are in a war (for real). Just because it’s not fought with guns and bombs being dropped from above…make no mistake…this is a war.
I believe that this is a final battle. Our freedom and liberty is the cost if we lose this war.
And, equally as important are the relationships we share with friends and family that are at risk of being collateral damage. It’s the love and connection and relative fluidity we used to share with others that is vulnerable now.
If life is a mighty river, then we existed together in that river. However, the times have drawn us to opposite sides of the river. We can still talk and interact, but our consciousness is aligned on one side or another. We can say that politics have done this. We can say that gender or race or religion has stationed us each on one side or another. The possibility of divisiveness is endless when the enemy is at play manipulating the landscape. Over the past couple of years, the river has become turbulent and now it rages. This has been the strategy of ‘the enemy’. The enemy has manipulated this landscape.
In the past we could cross over the river at will and return to our comfort zone at will…but not today. The enemy has seen to it that through its manipulation we risk too much to cross over. To carry the analogy further, the mist is salty and burns the eyes, the waves smack and sting and the turbulence promises to drown you in the drama and turmoil.
Make no mistake. This is by design. This is the intention of the enemy.
I’ll drive down a street and scoff at people wearing masks in their car, or outside on a sunny side of the street. I’ll cringe in anger at employees who demand I don a mask. My reactions to these annoyances are like a knee jerk reaction. A family member verbally assaults me for my decision about what to do with my own body and I might respond with anger (even silently to myself).
The river divides.
Energetically, dividing families and long-term friendships apart is what the enemy wants. When we settle into anger and judgement the enemy applauds. It empowers their mission.
Our anger is best served to be directed towards the real enemy who has manipulated all of humanity.
So, this is what I choose to practice daily now, and my hope is to inspire you to do the same. When a loved one makes me angry (metaphorically shouting from their side of the raging river), I choose to be angry at the enemy. When a stranger is foolish enough (in my opinion) to wear masks in the sunlight, I will choose mercy and patience over judgment and anger. And, I will choose to be angry at the ‘great manipulator’. And it is a practice…it is not mastered easily. And I am committed to mastering it.
Righteous anger is what we must arise to now. Righteous anger at the enemy whose evil intent is to divide us, is one of the calls to action. Righteous anger at the enemy who intends to fracture humanity’s potential to be in love. Practicing grace and in mercy in the service of the salvation of humanity is what we MUST choose now.