Excerpt from my newly published book.
Holy Love: A Memoir of Sorrow to Glory.
At that moment, when she said to me, “The pain is too deep”, I was a witness to the kingdom of God’s truth. When someone speaks truth that has His fingerprint upon it, one can experience the vastness of God. It’s like standing on holy ground. It’s palpable, just like my memory of that moment in her bedroom. For me, the one tear that rolled down her cheek was her apology I had hungered for. She was not able to utter the words or even look at me. But I saw her pain, and felt the depth of her suffering; authentic and profound in its power and darkness.
……It was the first and last truly authentic moment I’d ever share with her. There were no expectations or agendas; no role reversals or co-dependency. It was a moment of pure honesty.