(this was originally published in summer of 2021)
We must practice faith over fear as we live through the pandemic.
“This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never–in nothing, great or small, large or petty–never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force: never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Winston Churchill

There was a time when hugs and smiles, or handshakes and joyful eye contact trumped germs. There was a time when you ‘caught a cold’ or the flu and you knew what to do. There was a time when human connectedness, sacred relationships and love overshadowed fear.
I say to that: “GET BEHIND ME FEAR!”. I will NOT allow you to subdue my heart or my passion for life! Get behind me fear…I will go before you and urge others to follow along with me. Get behind us fear, because we WILL rally the cause of love and humanity…of freedom of thought and the pursuit of happiness!
For those who are afraid to live and afraid to die…stand aside, because we will re-forge the path to freedom that has been strayed away from. For those of you who are truly at risk (you know who you are) then do what you must to protect yourself. This is your right and your responsibility to protect yourself. We who walk before you will help to create the herd immunity as effective therapeutics become mainstream. This virus WILL weaken over time, so until then, protect yourselves as you must.
All I ask is that you try to see what we are doing FOR YOU. We are demonstrating what it is to be free and unimpressed by the fear and crippling tyrannical mind-numbing demands of those who choose to control humanity. And don’t doubt for a second that controlling global humanity is what they are seeking. ‘They’ have intended to destroy the boundaries between Truth and self-defined reality.
‘They’ have watered down at best, and destroyed at worst, traditional institutions such as family, history and culture. And ‘they’ are after the spirit and soul of the human heart. Don’t doubt for a second that ‘they’ intend to swoop in to control our lives once enough people are disheartened and wounded enough on a soul level. And limiting human connection IS WOUNDING US ON A SOUL LEVEL.
Here is my plea…my charge…”Get behind me fear!” I WILL make eye contact and reveal my smile and give and receive hugs and human contact to other souls who choose to carry the torch of freedom. This charge is not without risk, or even possibly danger. War is dangerous…and have no doubt…we are at war. We all can fight in this war, each in our own way.
‘They’ will not steal my joy or wash down my spirit.