(originally written in 2022 and still applicable)

We have been in an information war as the world is waking up.
I’m very careful with my words and my posts because I need to avoid the ‘powers that be’ from putting me back into social media jail. I do not want to lose contact with you all.
I still see too many people walking around masked up and frightened. Here is some clarity for those of you who are pushing back on the fear (you know who you are).
Our enemy is both visible and invisible.
The alleged ‘V’ is invisible (in fact, it’s not even been isolated for identification -FACT), but it is not the only invisible enemy. The other ‘hidden from view enemies’ are fear, despair, anger (which is different from righteous anger), discouragement, isolation and alienation. Let’s talk about those why don’t we.
Those patriots who are on the front lines (you know who they are), and even second tier back (you know who they are as well) are not able to share their strategies or timelines with us who support them and believe in them and pray for them. This is a war of information and appears to us as mostly digital and informational in nature. Mark my words…there IS A LOT of physical real activity going on behind the scenes that will not be made known yet to the general public.
Just because we are not at the front lines of this war does not mean that we have no work to do or that our participation is meaningless.
All of us patriots have lost friends, and even some family. Many of us have lost business and colleagues as well. Many of us sorrow over the health and welfare of our loved ones who are still ‘asleep’ and in that sleep state have exposed themselves to other dangers. They’ve succumbed to the ‘v…ne’. (you know what I’m talking about).
Our assignment in this battle for the soul of our America is to continue to rouse ourselves. We must continue to wake up. For me, every time, I think I’m ‘awake’ I find that there is yet more to see and to know. My reality is new from last year and even from last week. To ‘wake up’ and to do so with courage and resolve is our assignment.
In some ways, our job is tougher than those at the front lines because we do our work in the dark. We must sift through information and news and become wiser in our discernment.
We are learning to be steady and determined in our facing of truth. Our perspective continues to widen as we see the landscape of lies and untruths we had previously accepted as reality.
So…as patriots, what is our job in this battle (because we DO have a job to do)? First and foremost you must keep in mind that our ‘assignment’ is more in the energetic realm. Because this is a battle for the soul of humanity, we must remember above all else, that God IS indeed in control. He will not let us down. This IS a war on a cosmic and biblical level. TRUTH!
Courage and focus is not only required on the front lines…it is also imperative on the periphery of the battles where we dwell!
WE are required to stand strong in what feels like darkness and silence. Amidst the misinformation and disinformation and propaganda we must keep on our spiritual armor.
WE are in the process of cultivating our own resolve and patriotic clarity and faith in God. These are our weapons at this time.
When in doubt…pray
When in fear…resolve
When catastrophic thinking peeks its ugly head…thought stop
When in anger….be kind, but firm.
When in despair…reach out to another patriot you believe to be stronger than you.
STOP watching all legacy media! It’s sole purpose is for bringing down your energy and the enemy feeds off of negative energy (negative thinking and behavior). Sign up for alternate informational sources (ie: like Telegram, bitchute, rumble). You can figure out who to follow (if questions about that reach out to me and I’ll tell you )
BECAUSE, when the light, that IS prevailing, begins to visibly cast out the darkness (and it will happen…I promise you!), the world will need all of us.
Whether you have been a vocal or a more stealthfully silent Patriot…the world will need you! You must take care of your body, mind and spirit now more than ever!
At this moment in history, it’s important to remember and honor our Patriots during the Revolutionary War. These were untrained and poorly equipped men who were profoundly out manned by the British military. Our patriot ancestors, with bleeding feet (because many didn’t even have shoes) walked over snow and frozen ground to turn the war in our favor on Christmas of 1776. They suffered the same fear and doubt as we do, but we can do that in the comfort of our warm homes. Undeterred, they carried on because they had their eye on the prize…FREEDOM!
This is our 1776 moment. I believe it is a privilege to be living in this time in history (as difficult and unpleasant as it feels).
May GOD bless America and all Patriots!
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